Today, we’re travelling down South to the Western Cape of South Africa, more precisely, Cape Town! My brother currently lives here, and so I would like to dedicate my inspiration for this idea to him. I recently found out that Table Mountain is not the only thing Cape Town is famous for.

During Easter there is a specifically South African dish made. This dish is pickled fish. I personally have never eaten it, but it’s no wonder this would be a banger, considering Cape Town’s proximity to and renowned love for freshwater and saltwater fish alike. The way this dish is prepared differs to other kinds of pickled fish in that it is not only specifically an Easter dish, but it also involves frying portions of line-fish seasoned with salt and pepper – local varieties such as snoek, yellowtail, kingklip and kabeljou (cob) are favored – and cooking a mixture of onions and spices, before adding vinegar and sugar.

The best part of this dish is that it has transcended the confines of merely existing in a religious context. People all over South Africa enjoy this dish on special occasions that are not only Easter. It’s a dish that, prepared in this way, makes it unique to South Africa. And from what I have heard, it tastes perfect… an aromatic masterpiece! So, if you are a person who enjoys eating fish, I would strongly recommend you try this pickled fish dish if ever you visit the Western Cape.