Everyone loves the C-store. It is easy to access quick desk snacks or wholemeal replacements in some cases. But no one ever thinks about what is important to bring to the C-store. or how to bring things back from the C-store. Let’s make a scenario. You are in your room and you want to enjoy some pop and some soda while watching films for your class. So you head off to the C-store for a snack run and maybe get some other essentials while you are there. Maybe you got yourself pretty sweaty and decide to pick up some deodorant or you get some cups to drink your pop in or another box of garbage bags because you gotta throw everything away too. You don’t expect to carry all this stuff in your hand or god forbid this thin, brown, paper bag?

There is no way that would even the chips and pop with how much air is in the bag of chips and with how large the bottle of pop is. So what now? carry it in your arms? Absolutely not! If you whats going to protect it from the elements and it’ll only increase your likely hood of dropping everything! But don’t worry too much because the C-store is always prepared even when you are not. With all this product coming in they never have a shortage of old boxes you can carry back with you! Have multiple items in a spacious box you can carry as much as you can in!

However, there is still a better way of going about this. The average person is already generating a lot of waste by having chips and pop and throwing away the can, bottle, or wrapper it came in. Instead, be a little more thoughtful when going to the C-store. Ask yourself what you need and if the C-store has it or not. And then bring your own reusable bag or container to carry your groceries back from the C-store. That way you’re creating a little less waste and creating less work and stress for yourself getting back!