I don’t know who remembers this, but before our time way back in the 1980s, there was something called the cola wars. Softdrinks and pop were all the rage back then and the market was fierce with Coca-cola and Pepsi-cola being the top contenders to this day. but Coca-Cola was undisputed since its conception and Pepsi was second-best behind coke. That is until when Coca-cola revealed New Coke in 1985 changing the original formula everyone loved for something new in the hopes of revitalizing the market for them. This would ultimately backfire on them with New Coke being hated amongst consumers with a loss of 30 million dollars.

With Coke’s sales being at an all-time low and the failure of New Coke, it was the perfect time for Pepsi to take the reins as the top contender. Pepsi had its big boom during this time when they started the Pepsi challenge which was when people were asked to sample a secret cola and decide which was the better one, most people chose Pepsi from this and this increased its popularity even more so.

Today the cola wars have more or less ended and people have their own go-to colas that they enjoy for different reasons. However, I wish to respark the cola wars here in Wooster because Pepsi cola and their products are superior to coke bar none. As you may have noticed Wooster is mainly coca-cola territory with it being sold at lowery and only coke products being sold at the C store and other places on campus. However, I wish to encourage diversity with our cola selections and we let the college decide wheater to stay as coke or to embrace change and have Pepsi products. So that is why I wish to bring forth the Pepsi challenge here in Wooster. Have your taste buds decide for yourself. Pick up coke and a Pepsi and choose definitively what is better.