At the College of Wooster, one thing you’ll sadly never get to enjoy consistently is the taste of home cooking. While the food on campus is average at best, it’s still possible to make do. Regardless, nothing beats gathering around with family and eating some amazing food. Unfortunately for most of us, we’re stuck in the middle of Ohio for Easter and won’t be able to enjoy the luxury of home cooked meals. Today, I’m going to talk about some of the food that my grandma said she was making for Easter, even though she’s aware I won’t be home.
The first thing my grandma told me she was making was the Easter ham. Now to many a ham may not seem like much, but at the same time a home cooked ham is a thousand times better than anything cooked at Lowry regardless who cooked it. For whatever reason, the way my grandma cooks her ham truly makes me appreciate her and her amazing cooking. It’s never undercooked, never overcooked, and most importantly taste amazing.

My grandmother never fails to deliver on food, no matter what it is. While some may not agree with me, I have encountered countless individuals who flat out cannot cook, especially deviled eggs. I know that not everybody loves deviled eggs, but I only like them when somebody doesn’t mess them up. Deviled eggs in-particular are a food a food that I associate with family gatherings because they’er always at one!

The absolute best thing that I have ever tasted in the world is my grandma’s black bottom pie. However, the issue with my grandma is she used to only ever make it for Thanksgiving until one year instead of her trying to give me money, I simply asked for a black bottom pie. It took quite a bit of convincing, but after awhile I got my pie for my. birthday. If that alone doesn’t tell you how great something taste, I’m not to sure what else to say to you and frankly your opinion on food is terrible. Black bottom pie contains so many flavors all at once such as chocolate, whipped cream, and a graham cracker crust. The pie literally melts in your mouth and is easily my favorite food of all time, no questions asked.