One of my favorite things about dining this year at Wooster is the College’s decision to partner with a variety of food trucks and dining services to provide more options for students. Given the renovations to the Lowry Center, the lines at Knowlton and Lowry used to be out the door, and it was nearly impossible to get food on the go, making it incredibly challenging for students who have limited time in their schedules as is.

So, the school decided to partner with services such as The Curry Pot, Oma Gourd Tacos, and Boo Bears Brew, along with food trucks such as Dine and Dash, Guac and Roll, and BullyRun. I personally think this is the best decision Wooster could have made this year given the lack of food options on campus and the current state of Ohio employment. Additionally, the food at these places varies, providing a diverse selection for students. My personal favorite is Oma Gourd Tacos because of their deliciously curated products and side options.

I love getting white rice, black beans, chicken, and fajita veggies with guac, lime, cojita cheese, cabbage, and chipotle mayo as sides. I also like getting corn tortillas so that I can make my own tacos! It’s wonderful to have a break from Lowry dining to get something different and, frankly, tastier. I hope that Wooster may have the opportunity to continue these connections in the future.