When it comes to finding an easy snack to grab and get to grubbing on, my go to are chips. I’m not too picky in terms of chips, but the brand truly does matter. It can be argued that the brand doesn’t necessarily matter that much, but I’m here to tell you today what the best chip brands are and what makes them stand out from the rest.
One of my favorite brands of chips is Lay’s chips because they not only provide a wide range of flavors, but they also provide great tasting chips as well. While there are a ton of pros with Lay’s chips, let me talk about the amount of air in the bag. Firstly, while there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with classic chips, I would much prefer chips that have the ridges in them and provide more of a crunch. Nowadays with prices on nearly everything rising, I’m sure I’m not the only one who is annoyed with paying even more money for air in a chip bag. A snack company can advertise some of the greatest snacks ever, but providing less of a product than what is actually being paid for is quite annoying.

While my largest hit on Lay’s chips are the amount of air in the bag, let me tell you about Pringles and how amazing they are. Pringles are very comparable to Lay’s chips, providing classic styled chips in many different flavors. While coming in multiple different flavors similar to Lay’s, Pringles turns it up to a whole different level by cleverly packaging their chips in a vertical tube, to decrease the amount of air in a container. While I really love their packaging design for Pringles, I also dislike it. When I’m trying to finish off the container, there are many times where I cannot reach my fat hands towards the bottom to grab one of the last chips and most of the times, end up giving up on even trying to grab the last chip. While I love the packaging design for Pringles, I still believe that Lay’s holds the edge.

When it comes to the ultimate chip, my award goes to none other than Ruffles. Like I stated earlier, Lay’s nor Pringles typically offer wavy chips, or chips that are meant for dipping. I personally prefer the crunchy chips over classic solely due to the purpose of the extra crunch. Not only are you provided with more flavor in your chips, but because they’re wavy styled, you have even more opportunities to add more flavor to your chips with chip dip. Unfortunately, Ruffles doesn’t have the packaging engineers that Pringles do and still contain quite a bit of air in their packaging. While offering nearly every flavor that Pringles and Lay’s do, Ruffles takes the crown as the top-dog for the best chip brand.